Advice from John Condon, owner of North Idaho Maritime
Inspect Your Docks Early
"Most people are quick to get out of town and forget about the things they can do to protect their properties for the long winter ahead," Condon says.
Avoid These Three Things that Damage Docks
"There are three major things to consider are fluctuating lake levels, snow loads and ice pressure. You want to make sure you have adequate water to float your dock freely year round. Some of the worst damage we see on the lakes is when a dock partially grounds out and puts a lot of pressure on the joints and can do damage."
Inspect Your Dock Regularly Off-Season
"What's important is to have a neighbor you can reply on, or a service provider like ourselves who can go and check on your dock to make sure you don't have, say, a piling hoop hung up, or your dock grounded out, or just excessive amounts of snow on the dock itself."
Schedule Dock Maintenance in Winter
"It's a great time in the off-season to be doing these things - to be doing your maintenance and upgrades on your docks. Most people have a tendency to wait until the sun shines to make that call, and that is the point at which most of your providers are overwhelmed. So the best time is to be making arrangements is in the wintertime, offseason to get your dock in good shape so you can adequately enjoy it in the summer."